Maranatha Baptist Church of Navarino
W6607 State Hwy 156; Shiocton, WI 54170 Pastor Joel Smith; cell phone 715-701-1719 Church’s Web Site: Church Phone: 715-758-2311 November 14th, 2021 ********************************************************** Morning Worship Service
Prelude....................................“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” Call to Worship (Please Stand)......................Ephesians 1:15-17 Hymn #199 …...............................................“Arise, My Soul, Arise” Announcements and Prayer Time …..............Pastor Joel Smith Hymn #506 .....................................“I Will Sing of My Redeemer” Scripture Reading (Please Stand)..................Philippians 1:3-11 Hymn #333 ....................................................“His Way With Thee” Message..….........................................................Pastor Joel Smith Closing Hymn #280 .........................“I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” Postlude.......................................................“We Are God's People”
Harvest Banquet tonight at 5 PM At the Navarino Nature Center W5646 Lindsten Rd; Shiocton, WI 54170 Heather Hill 715-304-9904
Sunday School...............................................................................................................9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship Services and live-stream.............................................10:30 AM Sunday Evening Service...............................................................................................6:00 PM Wednesday Morning: Young at Heart at Red Rooster. RSVP Fritz....................11:00 AM Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Bible Study ..................................................................6:30 PM TODAY at 5:00 PM: Thanksgiving Banquet at Navarino Nature Center. You are asked to bring a salad AND a dessert plus other items you may have signed up to bring. The singing group “Low Key” from Maranatha Baptist University will be with us. If you have not signed up to come and want to come, please let Heather Hill know.
NOTE: Regarding vehicle parking at the Center, please park your vehicle in the lower parking lot after you have dropped off your passengers. Upper parking lot is reserved for banquet workers and those with a handicap parking permit. November 16th (Tuesday) 6:00-8:00 PM: Deacon Board Meeting at church. November 20th (NEXT Saturday): OCC Packing Party at church. We are collecting $ for S&H costs ($9 per box). Empty medicine bottles are in the foyer to fill with quarters. There is material downstairs if you would like to put a box together today. If you have any questions, ask Katy Peters (920-618-1527). November 24th (Wednesday) 6:30 PM: Special Thanksgiving Service. Sunday, December 5th, will be the last Sunday that Pastor Joel, Jessica and their family will be with us. A potluck lunch is being planned for after the morning service. Please bring a salad and a main dish. NURSERY: Today: The Duries November 21st: Holly K/Clarice M Church cleaning: A sign-up sheet is on the back table. Building Fund: Envelopes are on the back table for donations. OFFERING: There is an offering box on the back table or send in by regular mail |